It is overwhelming! The CBD craze! Everyone is talking about CBD. They say it does amazing things for everything and everyone, is it true? Is it the modern-day Snake oil that has gotteneveryone gleefully blindfolded in a game of Russian roulette?
Why are we only learning about this now?
The truth is that scientists have known about cannabinoids since the turn of the 20th century and much later in 1992, discovered the endocannabinoid system. They finally connected the dots. This was huge! But because cannabis has been illegal since 1937, research was extremely limited.
Fortunately, the times are changing, and progress is moving forward. The legalization of medical marijuana and now recreational, plus the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill legalizing hemp has slowly been diminishing the stigma around this magical and complex plant. Now we are gathering more scientific studies to support many anecdotal claims. Check out these three studies about cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system:
As a consumer and voice in the cannabis industry, it is my responsibility to seek out new research and always be educating myself.
Here are the Top Five cannabinoids you need to know:
#1 – THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol): You may be most familiar with this one. THC is the most psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. This is the component that gets you high. What you have not heard of is it is a close relative Delta-8.
Here are four key benefits research suggests THC has the potential to:
#2 – CBD (cannabidiol): A non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Research suggests it may help with pain, inflammation, anxiety, seizure disorders and improve skin health. There is so much more research needed, but the scientific studies and anecdotal claims out there are promising. Check out this article on Medical News Today.
Here are some of the many benefits research suggests CBD can do:
#3 – CBN (cannabinol): CBN occurs naturally as the plant ages. Gradually over time as the plant is exposed to heat and air, the THC converts to CBN. It is a mildly psychoactive cannabinoid because it has sedative properties. If you have trouble sleeping or suffer from insomnia, this is the cannabinoid you want to seek out in the products you purchase. The best part is it is not as heavy as some OTC or prescription options may be, so you should notexperience a hangover feeling from using products containing CBN.
What are some of the other benefits research claims:
#4 – CBG (cannabigerol): Called “the mother of All Cannabinoids” because all cannabinoids start out at CBGA. Also nicknamed “the Xanax of cannabinoids” among industry professionals because of its mood regulating properties.
Research also suggests it may:
#5 – CBC (Cannabichromene): So much more research is needed to understand the full benefits of cannabinoids, but CBC is the one cannabinoid I am really excited for. Even with the limited research available for CBC, so far research claims it may: