
  • Essential oil, the choice can be easy. Where you should buy your oils and why.

    By now, we have all heard of essential oils one way or another but there is still so much that we as a consumer do not know when it comes to purchasing the right product for you. Just like we care about the food we put in our bodies and the products we use in our home, we need to be just as mindf...
  • Winter is Here! Stay Healthy with Medieval Essential Oil!

    Winter is here and with all the holiday cheer and hot cocoa sometimes comes unwanted germs. The cold and the flu are just as busy as we are preparing for family gatherings and holiday parties. Stay protected with our Medieval Essential Oil Blend! Medieval was created based on research dating back...
  • Be Happy! How to uplift your mood with Essential Oils.

    Life can be a little crazy sometimes. We all can ed get stressed from work or feel overwhelmed at home. Stress is normal for everyone and aromatherapy can help with normal anxiety. Several essential oils are considered mood lifters and can help aid in depression, but the oils in Aromatic Infusion...