
  • Hand Sanitizer

    Ingredients 2oz amber bottle with sprayer Essential oil of choice  Distilled Water 1/4 tsp Sea Salt Directions Pour sea salt into glass bottle  Add 10 drops of Essential Oil to sea salt Let absorb for 5 minutes  Fill remainder of bottle with Distilled Water Shake gently to m...
  • DIY Laundry Pods

    Have you ever looked at the ingredients in your laundry detergent and found that there are no ingredients listed but there is a huge WARNING label? Many of the big name laundry detergents out there contain a petrochemical solvent, 1,4-dioxane, which is classified by the EPA as a human carcinogen,...
  • All Purpose Household Cleaner

    Essential oils are not only great smelling but they are also all-natural antibacterial ingredients you can use in your own home made house hold cleaners. These home made cleaners will not only smell nice (no harmful fumes) but will be easier on your budget too!  To make an all purpose household...