

  • Anxiety and Stress Relief During Covid-19

    Surges in the use of anti-anxiety supplements has been seen on a global scale. One natural product has seen an amazing jump in popularity last year: CBD
  • Detoxification

    With every new year, we make plans to detox and start better habits. So starting a detoxification is always a great way to rid toxins from your system and start introducing healthy lifestyle habits. We will highlight a few way to use these oils in the new year! NAHA guidelines state that you shou...
  • Why you need an aroma diffuser?

    What is an AromaDiffuser? An aroma diffuser is a device that uses ultrasonic waves to infuse your air with the therapeutic properties of the essential oil of your choice. You should NEVER put your essential oil in a device that uses heat. It destroys the oil's therapeutic properties. Why do I nee...