
  • The Powers of Frankincense

    Frankincense is one of the more popular oils for both spiritual and medicinal reasons.  When you start to dig into why frankincense is so amazing you can’t help but think — WOW! — this is something I need in my everyday life, so let’s dig deeper into this powerful essential oil.   First, a little...
  • Why people choose Aromatic Infusions CBD over others...

    If you know Aromatic Infusions, then you know we focus on education.  From CBD classes to guest speakers, we are on the forefront of CBD education and information.  The more people know the truth and can identify a solid product the easier it is for us to help our customers heal and stay healthy.

  •      Walk through a stand of pine trees, or past a sweet olive tree, and chances are you’ll notice an aroma lingering in the air.  What exactly is this scent your nose is detecting?  Plants have complex mixtures of volatile organic compounds (VOC), also known as essential oils, which have a disti...